
Thursday, July 24, 2014

A New (Blog) Leaf

Hello, all!

As you've surely noticed, I have been less than rigorous about updating this blog.  And I can't blame anything very catastrophic (thankfully).  So I've decided to start up a new one with a shorter format, since I felt like changing this one is sort of like a truck slamming on its brakes and all the crap spilling out into the street.  Or, you know, something like that.

Time for a new leaf - fitting since summer is in full swing up here, and we're surrounded by lush green leafiness, as well as no snow - shocking, I know.

Mir will still be here for both archival means (I may reference it here and there, as there's some good stuff inside) and an occasional post.  But I'm pretty excited about giving it a younger sister.

That said, I'm in the midst of trying to finalize its name.  Hey, naming stuff is harder than it sounds.  I've already got a list made, and some of the names, upon later review, look like they were suggested by someone 20 cat videos deep and on their third glass of wine (or third sazerac).

Here are the final three:

Cloffice Talk
Notes from the Cloffice
Cloffice Buffet

I've made my cloffice the star of the show, since I do most of my retail window shopping from its cozy (and arguably cluttered) confines.  It's also where I sit hunched over my laptop, trying to create a post that will be informative and maybe even entertaining.  I'll hang some of my new purchases in here to admire for a bit before they get worn and ultimately covered in cat hair (oh yeah, there's a new addition to the home, as in one that has a pulse - more on that later).  So... it seemed fitting to acknowledge my favorite room.

Since I've done most of the title-whittling, I thought I'd throw it out to you and see which of these contenders sounds like something you'd like to see.  What is with the "buffet?"  Well, like Mir, my new blog will mix it up and throw in food, design, travel, and drinks to the main course of shopping.  A bit of a smorgasbord of goods as I stumble across them.  Kind of a constantly rotating tasting menu?  OK, I'll stop...  getting hungry...

Thank you all so much for your readership of Mir!  I appreciate all the support and kind words I've received over the last few years.  I've really enjoyed writing it, and it's been a great experience.  And...  It's not going away!  It's not dying!  Mir's just going to take a breather and wait for the occasional larger post.  Because I'm really bad at totally discarding things...

With that, I'd love to hear which of the 3 titles smack of something you'll want to read with that cup of java, Diet Coke, or second glass of sangria.  

Happy Summer and can't wait to launch my new venture soon!


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