
Thursday, December 8, 2011


So, I was in Target the other day.  And, no, not to buy Missoni leftovers!  Or at least, I didn't go there with that intent.  I actually decided it was high time we had a Christmas tree in the house!  Granted, a low-maintenance one.  Kinda like that virtual hamster that used to live on my old, old Compaq desktop computer back in grad school.  It ate, it slept, it usually had its butt facing my screen.  But it was cute and required no more care than a few mouse clicks.  And unlike those Tamagochi digital animals, the hamster didn't die if you neglected it.  But I digress (as usual).

I found a nice little 3' tree, already lit and no assembly necessary.  Because that is about as fancy as my husband and I can handle.  We have accrued many ornaments from family over the years, so I'm hoping to try hanging a few of them on the wee tree this weekend.

And what goes under trees, kids?  That's right - just like the little boy at Target, who was dragging his feet behind his mom, kept yelling - presents, presents, presents!!!  (Note to parents:  I don't know how you get through the season without picking up a serious tequila habit).

While everyone has had enough gift ideas dangled before their eyes already, here I am to parade just a few more that I saw yesterday on, a flash-sale site.  You're saying to me, gosh darn it, why are you showing me stuff that will probably be gone by the time I read this?  Good point.  While you aren't going to get the deal, I'll provide links to the design websites along with the pictures.


One of the brands featured was Kikkerland, an arty, whimsical site dedicated to home goods.  I rather liked these guys...

An alarm clock that quietly glows through a "wood" surface:

All USB's on deck!

Honestly, I'm not sure if I like this or it just creeps me out.  Yeah, they blink when you tip them upside down.  Like your little doll from childhood, just a lot...  weirder:

I've seen the next offering on a couple of different sites.  Tall blackboard-looking pieces which list different streets and neighborhoods of various cities.  They're fun, although sometimes I wonder how certain names made the cut.  Nice idea for someone who has relocated and needs a reminder of their old stomping grounds.  Courtesy of Uptown Artworks.

They even have pillows:

And, of course, there's no need to exclude your pets these days.  Love this jar and the cute doggy, made by Yep Yup:

I'll try and post some more goodies soon.  Considering most retailers are bombarding us with all kinds of gift ideas for our moms, uncles-once-removed, teachers and the UPS guy, I'm sure there should be plenty of great things to share with you this month.

Til then, happy shopping!

Images:  all via

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