
Monday, November 15, 2010

Swan Kick, Part One

It’s Monday, but my brain says it’s still Sunday.  Or maybe it just fast-forwarded right to Friday at 5:00 PM.  At any rate, it doesn’t want to help me write anything substantial tonight.  So, I thought I’d just share something I like and have been longing for.

Formerly for sale on one of my favorite e-tail sites,, this little gem is a t-shirt design that has since sold out.  It's called Swan Kick.  Click on the photo to get the 411 I was able to find on the designer.  Because you can request shirt re-prints, I’ve been pestering them to do just that.  Man, I love this t-shirt.  I waaant this shirt.  Heck, I would kick someone for this shirt.  Menacing, I know.

As a longtime Threadless fan, I’ve enjoyed buying a number of their great offerings over the past few years.  It’s set up so anyone (or it seems that way) can submit a design for a shirt.  The submittal then gets voted on by the Threadless-going public.  As you can guess, the most popular designs win.  They then get printed up and retailed out.  Love it.

Ish.  I feel like I owe this design words more eloquent than my braincells can muster.  It's fun.  It's bright.  And it involves kicking.  I love kicking.  But it’s also Monday.

So, happy lethargic Monday.  Enjoy the image.  I’ll follow it up with an explanation in the next post.  You’ll be amused, I promise.



el said...

Love it. Do you still wear the Hattie's Hat shirt from Seattle or has that been retired?

maggiemarch said...

Love Hattie's Hat, it has definitely not been retired :)