The Christmas shopping frenzy is indeed in full swing. And, just like the uptick in decorations, online shopping deals, and TV ads for more deals, the catalogs are coming fast and furious in my mailbox. Now, probably like you, I've got my favorites. I love getting all my J. Crew, Nordstrom, CB2 and Anthropologie issues. And I'll page through what Sundance, Garnet Hill and West Elm send me. Additionally, I'll mutter "WTH" as I look at the Serena & Lily, Land of Nod and other children's catalogs that the mailperson delivered (we don't have kids, not even pets). But there are those few issues, just as carefully designed, photographed and copywritten, that ultimately go straight to the recycling bag. They include Frontgate, Eddie Bauer and others whose names I can't even recall. Here's my question:
Is that fair?
I mean, I don't even give them the chance to show me they might have something cute or relevant for me and my wallet. Passing them off automatically with phrases like, "Mom jeans," "Pleated pants," and "This is for old people" whistling by in my head, I chuck them unceremoniously into the brown bag.
As someone who spends way too much time immersed in retail offerings, and then reports on tidbits to you, it seems kind of mean to just deem certain brands and stores as unworthy, right? Or does my automatic "Keep" and "Toss" mentality keep me from total overload?
Example... the latest Eddie Bauer catalog is lying on my table, staring up at me. Now, I don't hate them, I just haven't shopped there since, well, 1995? And that was for my dad. My first instinct was to toss. Then I stopped and made myself flip through a few pages. Yeah, they still offer their pleated pants and loafers, but there was some stuff in there I'd consider buying. Like this:
It looks like something J. Crew could just as well offer during the winter months.
And this caught my eye as well. I snapped this from the catalog since the online image cuts off the outfit:
Again, I could have mistaken this for a Banana Republic ad or even something that would appear in one of Nordstrom's glossy pages. Plus, it's super cute.
While they are more conservative pieces, these sweaters and skirts do remind me to give other brands a shot. It's too easy to simply lump stores into categories in my mind. But I would do well to give these retailers, with whom I normally don't shop, a fleeting chance. Even if I don't find items to my own liking, these catalogs may help me complete my Christmas shopping for others.
Do you page through whatever arrives in your mailbox? Or have you also adopted the Yes/Maybe/No pile strategy that I usually employ? And what is your favorite holiday issue? Neiman Marcus puts out an impressive Christmas gift guide. I've always loved J. Crew's holiday issue. How about you?
Well, I need to get back to the stack of catalogs that is now something like a foot high. Ranging from Sephora to Design Within Reach to Athleta, I'm hoping their pages might assist me with the last gifts on my list.
Happy shopping!
Images: Eddie Bauer (online & print)